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yellow lab puppy

18 16:45:53

We recently bought a 2 month old yellow lab puppy whom we are trying to potty train. it seems like every time we bring him outside to pee, he pees outside but then when we come inside, not 3 minutes later he pees on the floor inside the house. if i catch him in the act, i yell "no!" then take him outside where he will pee again! then i bring him inside and he pees on the floor again!!! after only a very short period of time. the only time he doesn't pee is when he is laying down sleeping. doe you haveany suggestions or is there a reason why he is peeing so frequently. the amount is a small puddle all the time and the color is light yellow to clear...and he doesnt drink that much during the day.

Two months old is very young, and I know very few pups who are housetrained by that age. If he needs to eliminate twice, go out with him and only bring him in when he's gone twice. Keep a record of when he goes, and how often. This gives you a better chance of knowing his schedule. Feed regular meals (three times a day at this age) and supervise carefully - put up baby gates - even tether him to you so you notice the second he starts to sniff, manage him when you can't watch him. The rule of thumb is that a puppy can hold it as many hours as his age in months + 1. So the longest you could as a two month old to wait is three hours. Sandy Case BFA MEd CPDT