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My dog wont eat.

18 16:37:32

Me and my partner have recently adopted a staffordshire bull terrier from stray. She is a lovely dog and seems really happy and playful.  The only problem we are having is that she refuses to eat anything we put in front of her.  I have tried numerous different foods and nothing seems to tempt her. Please could you help?
Thankyou Craig and Laura

What were they feeding her wherever you adopted her from?  Was she eating well there or not?

If she WAS eating, and you are feeding the same food, then you may just have to stick to your guns and not give in.  Put her food down, give her 20 mins or so to eat, and then take up whatever is left.  Keeping repeating this at her mealtimes and she eventually should become hungry enough to eat.

Now if days and days go by and this doesn't work, you might try consulting your vet for suggestions.