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defecation in house

18 17:05:26

I have a co-worker that has a 13y/o female Sheltie Dog.  Usually in the morning after she's been outside to eliminate/urinate, approx 10min later she will find a place anywhere in the house, usually on carpet to defecate.  She's been doing this for the past 2 months.  No changes in diet & they've been living at the same place forever.  She doesn't seem scared of going outside.  My co-worker will give her "the boot" when she does this.  Please help as she may not live to see her 14th birthday per my co-worker if this keeps up.

Ok first off, your co-worker has to stop doing that to the dog, there is no excuse, the dog is elderly now, and that is sick. I realise this isn't you, and I'm relieved you see a problem with it.

Right away she has to go to a vet, just to make sure there isnt anything wrong (I doubt there is)

Next I want your co-worker to get a training crate and as soon as the dog has been out in the morning, put her in the crate to restrict where she can go. She wont go in the crate, no bedding in there, and she shouldnt go. I'm hoping that is a habit she is in, and by taking it away she will get over it. The areas where she has gone will need cleaned with an enyme cleaner, to make aure all trace is gone. If it smells like a toilet, it's a toilet.

Tell me if you think this could work for the co-worker.