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female dog in heat acting strange

18 17:05:26

I have a 1 1/2 year old chihuahua mix that is in heat and I have noticed that she is acting rather strange. She yelps when we try to touch her and she is usually a very loving and friendly dog. And there are times that she hides because she seems like she doesn't want anyone near her. Is this normal behavior for a dog in heat? This is her first heat and I wasn't sure if it was the cause of the behavior or if it could be caused by something else. Thank you!

Hi Amber, Being her first heat, she is probably frightened and unsure of what is happening to her. The way I treat my little ones when they are like that is to say, "Oh my, poor girl, are you all right? Oh my, come here darling...". You get the idea, let her know that you know she is hurting and afraid and that you will take care of her. Now I always know when my girls go into heat even before they are showing physical signs because they come up to me with that, "mommy, I don't feel good, help me" look about them. She will be fine. She is just confused. Reassure her that she will be okay and you will take care of her. Don't overdo it because you do not want to make her fearful of it, you just want her to know she can some sit by you and you will pet her and all will be well. I do hope this helps you get a picture of what I mean. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Leave me some feedback, a nomination (if you wish), and please keep me posted on how things go for you. It is nice to know that you are sensitive to her and such a good owner. Keep me posted. Thank you for writing. Regards, Susan