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Dog takes food away from dish to eat......

18 17:05:27

This has been going on since we have had Dante, which is about 3 years now and hasn't really been an issue but now that we have a newborn and I don't want him eating dog food off the floor also. Dante is a pitbull lab mix and the nicest dog I have had just a little shy/nervous, but every time he eats he takes a mouthful of food and takes it about 5 feet away to eat then cleans up what he dropped like pacman which is nice but I know he leaves some behind while chewing. How can we correct this?

You say it's never been an issue. By letting it go on, and not correcting it right away, you will have a MUCH harder time fixing it now.

The only thing I can suggest is feeding him outside or on a flat plate. Some dogs don't like sticking their heads into bowls.
Otherwise, I dont know what else you should do, he has been doing it so long, and sees it as normal routine.