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Shih Tzu Habits

18 16:59:18

Hi, I have had my dog for about a month. She is great and fits in at our house very well. But she has a weird habit. When we are in the kitchen cooking, or when we aren't paying attention to her she lays down and starts like sucking or licking her arm, its always in the same place and I checked it, and there is no cut or wound on it. The fur in that area is turning orange. (It used to be white.)
Thank you for your time,
Hadley, Penny's Mom :)

This is really a question you want to discuss with your vet and here's why.  A dog that is constantly licking a limb can end up with a nasty thing called acral lick dermatitis.  Sometimes, this problem starts with a simple fungal infection, bacterial infection, allergy, yeast, or similar somewhat minor, or at least treatable, issue.  Here's a good description of the problem and how it can evolve:
While your dog may not have ALD, you certainly don't want the licking to continue to the point where she does have a worse problem.  Do ask your vet's opinion as to your own dog's situation.  Hope everything works out ok.