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My Pit bull pups

18 17:03:39

i have 2 pit puppies......... they r 4-5 mo old now. cute as can be. I have heard that all pit bulls r very this true? if so I am givimng them away

Hi, Sheila,

Thanks for the question.

Pit bulls are among some of the sweetest friendliest breeds of dog imaginable. However, I'd be less than forthright if I didn't tell you that when they get into a truly aggressive mood, they CAN be very hard to handle, and can do substantial damage to those they perceive as a threat. This is not necessarily automatic. It's just a general tendency that may not exist in YOUR dogs. But you should know that it could be there.

I would recommend you treat them with love and respect. Don't punish or scold them or try to show them that you're the pack leader. (There's actually no such thing as a pack leader!)

Also, train them using toys as an inducement and a reward, and give them lots of hard vigorous playful exercise every day, particularly fetch and tug. (Just don't overdo it--they're still puppies.) Generally speaking, the more play they get, the more social and less aggressive they'll be.

I hope this helps,