Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > boxer


18 16:59:59

i have a female boxer who is seven months old i took her to puppy training and she did pretty well but lately out of know where she will act up ripping things up and becoming uncontrollable is there a reason for this or a solution

There's a physiological brain development in late puppyhood/adolescence wherein the dog runs crazily, circles, etc.  It's possible some of what you're seeing is related to that (although impossible to tell without a real description of "becoming uncontrollable".)  Simply because a dog does well in puppy training does not mean the training ends.  Hopefully, your puppy training was based on positive reinforcement (NOT neanderthal choker collars, forcible manipulation, punishment, etc.)  If it did NOT, learn about positive reinforcement training and START OVER using different command words.  Training doesn't stop because a dog reaches a plateau (age or anything else.)  It's a constant, ongoing engagement of the dog's ability to problem solve and make choices.  Socialization doesn't stop either.  Dogs require socialization (to other dogs, people, places, etc.) straight through their second year of life.  The Boxer is an especially fine companion, intelligent and loyal.  If your dog has suddenly begun to develop problem behaviors, look at yourself or your environment as the first possible cause.  This also might involve (to some extent) rising estrogen levels as she approaches her first heat cycle.  In this case, she needs to resolve this by going through that heat cycle (with VERY CLOSE and CONSTANT monitoring to be SURE no intact male gets near her.)  The hormonal balance provided by the first cycle often resolves estrogen related problems and the dog can be spayed six to eight weeks after the onset of that cycle.