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2 year old accidents

18 16:46:16

I have a 2 year old cocker male neutered, no probs with bladder etc, have 2 other dogs, an older one same vreed, and a younger one, jack/pug x.
They sleep downstairs, not caged, the older dog will stay in a cage at night so will the younger one, but the 2 year old howls, even if he is in with one of them, so wrong as it was, I took them out and they are now downstairs at night together uncaged. However the young one(6 months) is now totally clean, every morning I get up at 6am and usually nothing, but if later 6-15, 6-30 am etc, the 2 year old has had accident. I take the water away from him around 7-8pm, when I turn him out for a wee at night 10-30ish, nothing, he will not go, the 2 females alway go at night, I dont want to put paper down, and I dont want to keep getting up at 6 if poss...I nt really know what to do, I will say he is a very young cocker, very young in his mindset.



Hi, Louise,

Thanks for the question.

Make sure the dogs are getting plenty of hard vigorous playful exercise each day, preferably outdoors. Give them a good play session about 1 hr. before bed, and don't just let the problem pee-er out for a quick pee. He may need more time (like an extra 5-10 mins. or so) before he'll do his last pee at night. Also, try not taking up his water so he'll have more of a need to pee at night instead of holding till morning.

Good luck,