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my dog wont go into the garden

18 16:46:05

my 11 month old collie used to go into the garden both front and back, i think he has been frightened by a cat it is nearly impossible for me to take him outside unless i carry him , i don't know what to do , can you help me, many thanks

Some dogs go through additional fear periods during adolescence.  They become fearful of things that didn't used to scare them. One thing you can try is to coax him with a bit of food.  Dogs that are going through a fear period get over it pretty quickly.  If he was frightened by another animal, you can try feeding him treats when a cat appears, and stop feeding when the cat moves on.
Also, if you are using an "invisible" fence, it's possible that he might have approached the boundary, been shocked, and is now afraid of the whole yard, not just the boundary area.