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Shaking Moodle

18 17:09:55

Hi there,
3 weeks ago I moved into a new apartment with 2 other and a 4 month old kitten and I have taken my 5 year old female maltese x poodle with me.
In the last couple of weeks she's started shaking for no obvious reason. She has never shaken like this before, and i am really worried. She's not afraid of the new flatmates or the cat, in fact she plays with all 3 of them. I'm so relaxed in this new place she isn't feeling anxious as a result of my behaviour. She's inside almost all the time so she's not cold. I take her out for walks once or twice a day to go to the toilet... please help, i don't know what else it could be?

Hi Adam, I am glad that you are giving her individual attention and taking her out for walks. Being a "designer dog", she is subject to different problems. Both the Maltese and poodle breeds are nervous types, but since she is 5 years and has not exhibited this behavior in the past, I would like to find out if she has a medical issue that causes her pain, which would make her shake. If all of this started when you moved into the new flat, you may want to give it some time and give her some very special attention. You may feel relaxed there, but she may feel unsure. If it does not resolve itself in another month or so, consider asking a reputable vet to see if she is in any pain. Sometimes they can prescribe a mild antipsycotropic or anxiety drug which can help if it gets worse or continues. Let me know. Thanks. Susan