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Spiteful Peeing

18 16:58:34

I have a 5 month old Pom, that, up until we moved was doing great. I've done a bit of research and discovered it is most likely spiteful actions. She used to bark to go out now we don't even get a warning. I'm looking for some advice on how to reverse this before it's too late.


Dogs do not do things out of "spite", this is not an emotion that can be attributed to canine behavior.  Your dog is confused and perhaps frightened by the move.  She's "lost" the door to "bark" at and may never regain this skill as inhibited response may have set in.  I don't know what sort of "research" you've done, but no credible and educated behavior expert would ever use the word "spite".  Your dog needs to go back to kindergarten and be treated as if she were a ten week old puppy, with LOVE and PATIENCE instead of absurd expectations.  REWARD and PRAISE when she eliminates outdoors and give her fair opportunity (every two to three hours to start with.)  Do NOT project human emotions onto dogs; they have their own "moral" standard of behavior.  SHE IS A BABY.  Five months is a very young dog.  You're asking far too much of her.