Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > NO PROBLEM ; JUST CURIOUS


18 16:58:34

We have a well-loved 10 year old 'pound puppy' [lab/border collie cross]and have noticed, throughout her life, that she sometimes 'sneaks up' on her food & water dishes. It's similar to watching a cat stalking a butterfly or bird. It seems to be a random behaviour, and although it's nothing more than cute and funny, I'm curious to know if this is common in domesticated dogs and what the root of it is. Thanks so very much for your help.

I'm not surprised that you said your dog has Border Collie in her!  BC's are dogs that, if you agree with Ray Coppinger's theories, would have been bred from wolves caught in a certain stage of development, namely stalking.  These would be dogs that stalk, but do not follow through to a kill sequence, thus would be good candidates for livestock herding, since they would not kill the sheep.  I guess, for your dog, if there are no sheep, the water bowl will do:-))