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Dog will not go to the bathroom

18 16:46:17

I am taking care of my mothers' 3yr old Chihuaha, Freckles,here in Albuquerque.  Freckles seems to be OK here in the apartment, but I know she is used to the country. I have had her two nights and she has only unrinated, no bowel movements to speak of.  Freckles will only be with me for another five nights, she is eating her regular small amounts of hard/soft food,& doggie treats,and she is drinking her water, but I am worried she may get sick from not pooping.  Anything I can give her that will help her go? She doesn't seem to be in any distress now,  but I just want to be prepared.

It's possible she doesn't have to go.  My Toy Poodle (who eats like a HORSE) doesn't evacuate her bowels every day.  A simply abdominal palpation can determine if there is stool present in the bowel and a stool extraction can be done, if necessary.  Call a veterinarian and make an appointment today.