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e collar

18 16:46:17

My dog has had surgery on his paw and he had stitches. 3 hours after he got home he started pullng the stitches.  I can not get an e collar on him, He growls and the bites me

you might take him back to his vet to have the collar put on. And I would start working with him systematically to allow you to touch him. You could probably use help from a good positive trainer. I'd work on touching place first that he doesn't object to, and giving a treat, then gradually working towards problem areas. I'd work first in ways where he doesn't have to be restrained, and gradually, as he's more accepting, make it a bit more difficult. But it's really important that he learns to allow you to handle him. It's also important that you introduce it in a way that doesn't get you bit. Because when dogs bite, we generally back off. That's a lesson we don't want them to learn. Sandy Case BFA MEd CPDT