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my yorkshire terrier and pekingese puppy

18 16:53:51

HI there
i have an 8month old yorkie who is very close to me, and i have just got a 6 week old pekingese.
The new puppy is verrry quiet and wants to play but my yorkie is going crazy with him, constantly playing tooo much and also barking at him, and not giving me a chance to hold or play with the puppy...

Dear Vahansa,

For the next few weeks, allocate time during the day when you're alone with the new pup, to play etc.  Allocate other time during the day when you're alone with the yorkie so that you can play with him too.  There should also be time together as you are already doing.  Simply keep the yorkie from hurting or scaring the pup; pull him away from the pup whenever necessary, allowing gentle sniffing/investigation or calm interaction.  The pekingese is really not ready to play vigorously with the yorkie until he's closer to 10 weeks old so you have to supervise all these interactions together until then.  

Good luck and thanks for writing!
Suzanne Harris, BSc, CPDT