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Weird Dog Behavior after Being Spayed

18 16:33:55

QUESTION: My dog went into heat, she is 9 months old, and about 2 weeks after the bleeding stopped, we had her spayed. She had a false pregnancy, she when she went into surgery, she still had it. It has been 4 days and she is doing some real different behaviors. She never really liked her toys much. She now goes over to her toy basket and looks for the right one, which she has now picked a favorite and is sticking to that one. She picks a toy up and goes and lays with it and whines.  She seems sad.  If you take it from her she wants it back. She does not get aggressive.  She is also going in my closet and under my bed and laying down and then within a few minutes, she comes out.  She is whining periodically. Are these nesting behaviors? Thank you for your time, in advance.

ANSWER: Those do sound like nesting behaviors, and should disappear shortly now that she has been spayed.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Is it best to hide these toys that she thinks are her babies? She can't go to bed without having them under her head. We are playing into it and laughing about it but not sure if that is the right thing to do. Maybe we should hide them and she will stop. She whines when she can't find them.  Thanks!!

I had a female who had false pregnancies (she was an anesthesia risk, so not spayed) and she got over it after a while and left the toys alone.  So, probably no harm in letting her have them, so long as she isn't destroying them and ingesting the stuffing.