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Lazy Dog

18 16:57:11

I just got a 2 year old English Bulldog, had her for about 2 weeks now.  She did have a health problem, but all cleared up.  I cannot get her to walk out the door to go to the bathroom, she just lays there.  I have to carry her or slide her out the door.  I have tried a harness and leash, even worse, won't move with them on.  I have tried treats to follow me out the door, does not work, just lays there.  How can I get her to walk out the door?  How can I get her to walk on a leash?

Your dog is NOT lazy.  She appears to be suffering from some sort of conditioned fear response, possibly associated with a leash.  You need to recondition her to wearing the leash.  Do not interact with the dog at all unless you are holding the leash in your hand (not attached to her.)  This doesn't mean you ignore your dog most of the day, it means you actively interact with her only while holding the leash.  Make these interactions good ones, involving being petted, played with, getting treats, etc.  Before long, your dog will come to you when she sees you pick up the leash, because she has changed her association with it.  Once this occurs, put the leash on her and from that point on, put the leash on her every time you interact with her in a loving manner.  Within approximately 36 trials, she should be happy to wear the leash.  Now you can leave it on her all the time (lightweight nylon) ONLY when you are at home.  When you plan to interact with her (pet her, feed her, give her a treat, play with her, etc.), pick up the handle of the leash and walk backward, facing her.  If she refuses to budge, turn your back, count to ten, try again.  If she persists in not budging, leave the room, return and try again.  ONE STEP forward is all you want her to make, the first time, then praise lavishly, give her a treat, pet or play with her for a short time.  Repeat this sporadically over each day for very short intervals until she willing walks toward you when you pick up the handle of the leash.  At this point, you can attempt to walk backward (facing the dog) toward the door.  No matter how many steps she takes, reward each one.  if she stops, turn your back, turn to her and try again.  If she stops altogether, drop the leash and leave the room.  While all of this is time consuming (might take you a couple of weeks to get her through the door on the leash), what it is effectively doing is reconditioning her to the leash, being led by the leash, and being lead out the door.  If you proceed with patience (PATIENCE), affection and good humor, your dog's fear reaction should extinguish.  You might want to read about fearful behaviors in dogs and I suggest you look for Patricia McConnell Ph.D.'s book on that topic.  This dog has only been with you a mere two weeks.  There is no bond; there is no trust; she doesn't feel as if she "belongs".  Give it time.