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aggessive, reactive poodle

18 16:29:11

My third poodle rescue spayed female 4 yrs old has been for some training.  Will lunge at other dogs.  Will attack other dogs on leash but is fine offleash at the dog park.  She spends her days in the front window barking at everything and everyone - runs from window to window to get the last bark in.  I have tried keeping her away by fencing off rooms from her but it is very inconvenient for me.  Eventually I give in and give her access to the whole house.

I don't understand why she is so angry - almost like a rage situation.  she is well fed and loved, has lots of toys, is walked 3 times a day.  Has t o be in a covered crate in the car - will bark at anyone who she can see while in  the car.  What type of training could help??

It sounds like she is being overprotective. I think distractions would work best in this situation.

When walking on leash and another dog or person or whatever triggers her, stop as soon as she begins and stand right in front of her with a treat in hand (whichever she likes the most for a distraction) and tell her "no bark" and follow it with a "focus" or "look at me" or something similar. When and only when you can keep her full attention on you and the treat, she can be rewarded. This will help tell her that not everyone or every dog is a threat. And don't be afraid to be the boss.

For when she's barking out the window, try taping some pennies in an empty pop can. As soon as she starts, give a firm "no bark" and shake the can or she needs more of a distraction, toss it right next to her. It should give her a scare enough for another "no bark" and follow it with a positive command.

The car is always a hard one, but again, I would use something to distract her.