Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > is my dog becoming aggressive ?

is my dog becoming aggressive ?

18 16:29:10

I have a 4 year old male golden retriever he's a great dog
to me and my family and anyone who he knows good, and he
loves it when we go for walks and kids or adults wants to
pet him. he was aggressive to dog only on his leash and
sometimes off leash and not humans he loves people. BUT the
pass 5 days he was being weird not to me or my family or
people he knows but now to other people, he would look at
them funny like he wants to bit and he will let people pet
him and then growling at them witch is weird, and now he
dosnt growling at other dogs or pull me to them he leaves
the other dogs alone and respect them when we go for walks.
its like the opposite he's aggressive to people and not to
dogs? am afraid he might bit someone by the way he is doing
now? so what should i do and am 16 and he is little protect
of me too?

thanks justine

Hi Justine,

How long have you had him? This is something you're probably going to need your parents help with as well. But first, think back and see if you can remember anything different happening that would trigger this. For this to be such a sudden change, usually something has to trigger it. Even someone walking by that may have teased him. Are the people he's reacting to wearing certain, potentially scary clothing or hats? I'll admit, it is weird that he's suddenly acting like this, but without knowing what may have happened, it's hard to work through it.

When he's off-leash, how does he act with people? I would honestly say, this may be something we need to start fresh for so he doesn't see every stranger as a threat. So when you walk him and someone passes and he doesn't growl or anything, reward him with a treat. Keep extra treats with you so people can treat him as well. Make sure you tell them that you're socializing so they don't get overly friendly too fast. You could also try starting a conversation first so he doesn't see it as a threat that way, either. That way it will allow him to go to them if he wants to.