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Jealous Schnauzer

18 16:59:16

My wife has a 2 1/2 year old Miniature Schnauzer, Griffin.  I have a 4 1/2 year old Lab, Tucker.  Every time I go out the door or through the gate to the backyard, Griffin attacks Tucker.  Griffin is obsessed with Tucker.  Griffin also barks and runs up on any dog that passes.  Is this jealousy or an aggression issue?  Griffin was recently neutered, and Tucker has also been neutered.  What can we do?

Well, the first thing I would do is to take both dogs (separately) to a good positive training class.  The more control you and your wife have over both of these dogs, the less they will feel they can take over, especially Griffin.  You also need to give it some time, too, if this is a really recent neuter, for the testosterone to leave the system;-))

You seem to think I did not answer you, but my suggestion about obedience training for both dogs with both handlers is part of the solution to this problem.  You cannot possibly hope to control Griffin's behavior without first establishing a "vocabulary" that you can use, and which he also understands.  Nor can you establish control over Griffin at the gate, if you do not have such a "vocabulary" to use with him.  If I go out my gate, I can put all three of my dogs in a "sit-stay" and they wait till I release them, either as a group or individually.  That enables me to prevent tiffs by managing their conduct.  You could do the same, hopefully, but it takes work.