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fear of children

18 16:57:02

We have adopted a 3 year old dog that was rescued from a puppy mill.  She has adapted well to me and my husband but is terrified of my children.  We have had her for 6 weeks.  Although she is beginning to spend less time hiding in her crate, she darts out of the room if she sees one of the kids coming.  If one of the kids unavoidably passes her in the hall she tears off or freezes and starts crying.  My husband and I have become quite attached to her, but we are always fearful of the way she behaves around the children.  She is so timid that it is hard to imagine that she would bite anyone.  Would a behaviorist help?  Is there any hope that she will adapt to our children?

I think a behaviorist is an excellent idea. Someone who can evaluate her in person and give you some ideas. 6 weeks into an adoption is still very early, and a dog so lacking in socialization is going to take time, careful work and even possibly anti-anxiety meds to help her cope with her new world. That she's not displaying any aggression is a good thing. A lot may depend on the age of the children and their ability to follow instructions. Giving a dog "space" isn't easy for little kids who'd really like to play with her. If it's a really busy household with really young children, finding a quieter home for her might be in her best interest. Thanks for giving her a chance, and caring so much for her. Sandy Case MEd CPDT