Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > shih tzu behavour problem

shih tzu behavour problem

18 17:00:24

I have a one year old male shih tzu who is very mcuh my boy. He sleeps down in the rec room with the three female shih poo that we have. Most nights he is ok but there are those nights that he will wake up around 3 am and start to whine and scratch at the door of the rec room. He has scratched the bottom of the door pretty good actually. If I go and get him and bring him up to my bedroom he will settle down and go back to sleep no problem. The issue is that my husband doesn't want the dog in the bedroom as it keeps him awake. When he travels for his work the problem seems worse. If I take him tom room I think it will just make it harder the next time. I listened to him for two hours last night until one of my daugters who have bedrooms downstairs, let him out.He was then loose in the house without any more whining. When my husband is at home he doesn't seem to do this as much.

Hi, Julie,

Thanks for the question.

Has your dog been neutered? How much hard vigorous playful exercise does he get every day? Does he play with the shi-poos? How much physical affection does he get in relation to how much serious play? Do you ever play tug-of-war with him? Is your husband more affectionate, playful, or a disciplinarain with the dog? How about you?

I hope to hear back from you so I can have a better idea of what needs to be done.