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help asap i have to get rid of my baby

18 17:01:20

dont know what to do hubby is making me get rid of my daushand / rat terrior mix puppy he is nine months old, the other night my daughter and i were taking a nap together he was laying between us and hubby came by and tickled my daughter in belly he jumped up and growled and snapped at husband. He is not a mean dog if anything skidish or scared but not matter how i try husband tells me that i have three days or he will take him for a ride. i am about ready to take hubby for a ride to dump him. This is breaking my heart in two. I got Tiny when he was just 2 weeks old the mom was killing her liter so i bottle feed him and i just love him so much the thought of him not being part of my life kills me what can i do

I'm sorry but your situation is not one I can fix, online or any other way.  Your husband is reacting normally to your dog's aggressive response to him.  Given your dog's age, this aggression is not OK.  Some bottle fed dogs develop human aggression problems because they are not properly weaned from the bottle.  This may or may not be the case with your puppy, however your puppy is also demonstrating the beginning of what could be a serious aggression problem.  Having him around young children is NOT advisable.  Your husband's threat to take the dog for a "ride" might have been just his male ego and anger speaking.  I suggest you sit down and talk to him.  Explain that you understand his anger but that you need time to find this puppy an alternative home.  If your husband DOES take the dog, call the police.  Inhumane treatment of a dog is against the law in the United States.  Anyone capable of harming an innocent animal because of one incident has very little control over themselves.  YOU, or your child, might be NEXT.