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unusual behavior after a dog attack

18 17:04:41

My seven year old Bishon Frise was attacked a week ago by some kind of German Shepherd/Rotweiler mix.  We were doing our usual walk and the attacking dog escaped from its house, ran half a block to where we were walking, grabbed my dog by the neck and shook it like a rabbit.  The wounds have be irrigated, she is on Metacam and Clavamox and seems to be healing okay but is acting odd for her.  She always had set places to sit in the house and only went into the yard for however long it took her to go to the bathroom.  Now she seems to find hiding places in rooms she never used before such as behind the toilet, under the bikes in the garage or behind a potted plant.  She also sits outside on the snow for long periods of time and comes back in the house trembling with cold but asking to go back outside.  When she is not doing this she is constantly underfoot.  Usually she ignores us for most of the day.  Is this usual post tramatic behavior, a drug reaction or should she be vet checked for undiagnosed infection from the dog bites?

Hey, Margaret,

Poor baby. I hope she comes through this okay.
I'm not an expert on the side-effects of medications. I know from personal experience that some pain medications can cause a kind of dementia (if that's the right word). It doesn't sound like that's the case here, though. To be more certain, I'd ask a vet.
As for infection, that would probably show up more in a physical, rather than a behavioral way. Again, that's not my area, so you'd have to ask the vet.
The best ways to deal with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) are to:

make the dog feel safe,

give her as much play time as she can tolerate (you should especially get her to play fetch and tug with you),

and if possible, give her lots of opportunities to have positive social interactions with other dogs--the good kind of doggies, those who'll be gentle with her, and try to coax her into playing with them.

I hope she gets better soon!