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my dog is bad

18 17:10:20

yes i admit my dog is bad! she bites the dog groomers i have had her to, she bits me, she never bites guests, she cleans the litter box, she jumps up, she barks, she hates other dogs and this is a problem in town. Is there any hope for me to get her to obey me and also to not bite and get along with other dogs. I am desperate for any suggestions

So sorry for not being faster to answer your questions. Really, I am. There are some very good books and sites that help out with these issues. like:
you can join and put your dog on there then find some groups/clubs on there and ask them for advice. I've done it and love it too. Umm, for jumping, put a leash on her and when she jumps pull her back down and say "no" and then ignore her until she calms down. For biting, pop her on the nose as dogs do to each other to show that they won't accept that. Walk around her with your arms crossed, head up, don't look or respond to her, and keep your chest out. In dog that means, I'm boss and you can't use me. For barking, first look and see if shes barking at something then if not, tell her "no bark" and push her away from wherever she was barking. there are litter boxes that have a lid so only the cat can get in and you can also put perfume around it since dogs hate the smell. For other dogs, keep her on the side that the other dog isn't and keep her close and walk firmly past so she can't react to it. I hope this helps and feel free to follow up =]