Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > Dog eats mouthful of food away from dish

Dog eats mouthful of food away from dish

18 17:03:46

First I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer my dog question. It isn't a behavioral question, just something my dog does that I have always wondered about. Our 2 year old husky ekhound mix will take her first mouthfull of food away from her dish about 15 feet. After this she will eat the rest directly over her bowl. I's justinteresting that she does this every time without fail. I wonder if it's a way of sheilding food from other "dogs"?

Hi, Lydia,

Thanks for the question.

The behavior you describe isn't all that uncommon. My feeling is that it's a habit that develops when the dog is first eating solid food around his or her littermates.

So, yeah, I think that's pretty much in line with what you think the behavior is about.