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3 Dogs Wont Sleep In Own Bed and Wont Give Us Privacy

18 16:33:53

Hi, I have 3 Rat Terriers their names are Nala whom is a female and 1 year 4 months old, Violet whom is also female and is 7 months old, and Simba whom is a male and also 7 months old.

Violet and Simba are brother and sister, my husband and I acquired them from the same people we got Nala from. Normally, Violet and Simba would sleep in their own room while Nala would be in our room sleeping with us, but two days ago we got Simba fixed and me being a worrier, I felt more comfortable having Simba sleep in the same room as me so I could keep an eye on him. With Simba sleeping in our room, I decided to let Violet sleep in our room too, so she wouldn't cry throughout the night because she misses her brother. Nala sleeps in the bed with my partner and I, but their isn't enough room for the other two dogs to sleep on the bed with us, we also don't want all three dogs on the bed, Nala is fine. Also, just so you know my husband and I have our bed on the ground and so it is really easy for the dogs to just walk onto the bed.

So, the problem is while we are trying to sleep the two younger dogs try to sleep on the bed with us and they end up waking us up. They also walk around on the bed and the room while we try to sleep, which also wakes us up. We have two dog beds next to my side of the bed for Violet and Simba, but they only sleep there for about an hour or so then they try to come on our bed, then I have to grab them put them back on the dog beds until they lay back down, then the whole thing starts over again an hour later. Nala stays asleep the whole night, she maybe gets up once to get water, than comes back to bed. How can I get Violet and Simba to do what Nala does? How do I get them to stay and sleep throughout the night in their dog bed and not get up, walk around, and try to creep onto the bed? Do they try to sleep on the bed because Nala sleeps on the bed? Do they try to sleep on the bed because the bed is on the ground and I am face level with them and really close?

Besides the whole bed issue, the dogs don't give my husband and I any privacy. They always try to sit in between us and they are incredibly needy! For instance, everytime we get up to do something all the dogs get up and follow us, than when we sit back down, it's a celebration, they lick us so much that our faces get dry and then they get so excited they start wrestling and quiet time is over. We can't even get up to go to the bathroom without them getting excited, then if we turn them away and tell them no to the celebration they act as if we harmed them or did the most horrible possible thing to them. How can we get the dogs to stop with the celebration? How do we get them to just stay put and do their own thing when we get up to do things? How can we get the dogs to sit somewhere else instead of in the middle of my husband and I?

Also, when we get up from sleeping the dogs get extremely excited and start licking like mad and wrestling and we just want them to calm down and stay in bed till we get completely up, how do I go about training them to do that? Finally, when my husband and I start getting romantic, the dogs will try to wrestle, or walk around, or get entirely to close to us, which kills the mood. How can we get them to lay down in their bed during that time and to leave us alone till were done?

Thank you, I know it is a lot, but I really need your help.

Again thank you so much,

You could set up an ex pen (exercise pen) ( right next to your bed.  That way, you can place some nice cozy beds within the pen, and the dogs can be comfy, but still be a slight distance away and not able to jump all over you.  The boundary training that you would need to do to keep three dogs out of your bed can be done, but it's often easier to just manage them by confining them somehow.  If you prefer the dogs to have their own "dens", you can crate train them. My dogs sleep in crates, which they love, in my bed room, and they have learned, pretty much on their own, to remain quiet in the crates until I get up (I pay no attention to any noise they make, so they realize that only when I want them will they get out to start the day.)  They think great things happen in their crates (sleeping, eating out of a stuffed Kong toy, or hunting for a few kibbles that I drop in before bedtime as a nitey nite snack).  Here's an article on crate training:
Training a dog to go to its own spot: