Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > LOST DOG


18 17:09:54

Our small chihuahua recently ran away while we were on vacation.  We have searched for her, hung flyers, went door to door, posted her picture in the newspaper.  We finally got a sighting last weekend, after being lost for 17 days!  We went out to the area & looked for her.  We couldn't find her but some farmers saw her & we set up traps.  We have yet to catch her, it's been three days.  Do you have any suggestions on how to catch/trap an extremly shy skiddish dog?  We are worried sick about her!  Please help.  I talked to a pet detective and he told me she would be in high grass. the farm was surrounded by woods.  Any suggestions would be very helpful.

Hi Danielle, Get involved with a local Chihuahua group, try yahoo groups as well. The more people that can take shifts watching for her, the better.  Also, put her favorite food in the trap and items of yours, such as used panties footwear, socks... They have your scent and will draw her to the trap. Put the clothing around and in the trap, or several Have A Heart traps if possible. I know of an 8 week old Toy Fox Terrier that was found that way after two weeks.  Also check your local shelters every two days or so.  If she is microchipped that will help as well and be sure the information on the chip is up to date. How long have you owned her? Enlist the help of any other people that know her and that she considers friends to help you keep round the clock watch if possible. And remember that this is exhausting for you, so get lots of rest and take care of yourself. Keep me posted.  If you are nearby in FL, let me know so I can help as well.  Regards, Susan