Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > Miniature schnauzer peeing on me, other people and other dogs!!

Miniature schnauzer peeing on me, other people and other dogs!!

18 17:02:16

How can I stop my male schnauzer from peeing on me, other people and other dogs.  He has been neutered, is 3 years old.

One thing you can do is change the dynamic of who's in charge at your house.  This is not done by the traditional, and sometimes unpleasant methods of "showing him who's boss".  Rather, it's done by controlling the dog through obedience training, and by controlling his access to resources.  That puts you in a benevolent leadership position.  Try some of the training here:  It's much easier to prevent a dog from lifting his leg if you can say "leave it - come", than it is by screaming "no" after he has already given someone a "golden shower".  Also, put him on a program of "nothing in life is free".  Here are some links on that: