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I have a question.....

18 16:56:45

 I have a 7 year old, netured, male dog. When Hunter sees another dog, I notice that his hair on his back stands up when he sees a dog, and he starts whinying loud. I don't know if he's scared.
 And I have other question about him. I like taking him to the dog park but I always get nevous because I'm not sure if his going to get along with the other dogs, and I'm afraid if he will get hurt or will hurt another dog. I think I should just take him to petsmart and just get him use to being around other dogs.

Dear Melody,

I need more info, and I need you to ask me an actual question in order for me to respond (you have not asked me any questions above).

The info I need is this:

How long have you owned the dog?
Has he ever gotten into a fight with a dog?
If yes, did he break skin?
If yes, did he puncture skin?
If yes, how many punctures?
Has he ever gotten hurt/skin broken by another dog?
How long have you been going to the dog park?
How often do you go to the dog park?

Please write back with this info as well as a question and I'll be happy to answer it for you.

Suzanne Harris, BSc, CPDT