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Dogs that dont get along

18 16:59:20

Ok I have 2 labs a black lab named cooper (9yrs netured ) Choc lab named fubu (9yrs not netured)  Cooper has always been the top dog. Has even went as far at snip at family members when not getting his way.(food kennel sleep)  My husband brought home a St bernard puppy  now  1yr. ( Whiskey not netured)   Coooper and whiskey have always slept in the same room all getting along fine besides whiskey being a puppy   a BIg puppy!! Coop would some time correct whiskey by growling at him even snipping at him when necessary.  I walked all 3 of these 100 plus dogs together every day- But one day Whiskey wasn't having it and let Cooper have it.  I have never seen a dog fight like this let alone stand in the middle of it trying to break it up. It took all of me to get them apart. Finally leaving Coops neck with about 5-8 bites on the back of his neck. The are all in there kennels during work hrs. And now sense Whiskey is searching for Cooper he is spend more time in his kennel.( still getting a am and pm walk but is eatting and sleeping in his kennel now)  We have taken him to a trainer and he does well when in his mode on a leash with his choke chain- on but still will try to go after Copper even chews, barks at Cooper"s kennel. Im sure this is Whiskey trying to be the top dog but Coop isnt backing down so easy and Im scared Whiskey will kill Coop sense he has a good 50-60 pounds on him. Please help me  I have 3 kids 14yrs 3yrs and a 10 wks old I am at wits end....   And yes Whiskey does much better with my husband as he weight 250 and can pull his choke chain when need be.
Fubu  gets along with both dogs but has always bowed down.

Hi Devon,

First off please consider neutering them all. Even the one that is not part of the problem, it will be healthier for him as he ages.

The second important point is (as you noted in your post) you cannot physically correct this dog. This will only make things worse not better.

If possible have someone that uses positive methodology and is knowledgeable in aggression meet with you and your dogs to see if it is even fixable,

The bites that you describe are serious and the dogs may have established this adversarial relationship permanently, but someone in person should help you. It would be irresponsible of me to guess sight unseen.

Left as is, you and your children will live a life of management and hoping that it does not fail, as in someone leaves a gate open accidentally, that is no way to live!  

Try to find someone qualified. I hope all goes well.