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Siberian Husky Crate Training Problems

18 16:42:25

We have a pair of husky puppies, 4 months old, the male has been crate
trained for the last 2 months. We are having problems with training the
female. We've tried to section off the crate into a smaller area, put
newspapers down, taken newspapers away, coming home on my lunch break
to let her out, and various sprays to break the messing in her crate. She
walks/lays down in poop or pee, even when she is in the large 6 x 12 kennel
outside. It doesn't seem to bother her at all. They get lots of exercise.
Nothing seems to regulate her. For example: she's out for 30 minutes in the
outdoor area and upon putting her back into her crate within an hour she
goes. Any ideas would be extremely appreciated!

You do NOT house train a puppy (or any dog) by confining it to a small space.  In fact, what you ARE doing (and have successfully done) is teach your puppy to be 'dirty' because she has no other option.

It is INHUMANE to confine a puppy in a crate for more than four (waking) hours, or overnight for more than SIX HOURS.  The male is much more capable of containing his urine than the female, but both male and female have little control over their urination until ten to twelve weeks of age.  WHY do you have TWO puppies when you appear to be perpetually CRATING THEM?  You are creating a nightmare for them, and for yourself.

Learn about dog culture and especially about how dogs learn.
"Before and After Getting Your Puppy..." by Ian Dunbar, DVM

Both these puppies need to be TAKEN OUTDOORS BY YOU and REWARDED for appropriate elimination, then observed indoors or confined to safe space (like the kitchen) where they can (if they need to) eliminate WITHOUT lying in it, while making it easier for you to clean.  BOTH these puppies need DAILY SOCIALIZATION OUTDOORS, ALONE, with other people, places, dogs, etc.  Your window of opportunity is slamming shut (almost SHUT) and if you haven't been doing this, you better expect future problems.  you CANNOT put a puppy "out" in her/his "area" ALONE and expect the puppy to MAGICALLY UNDERSTAND what you want it to do.  Find a puppy kindergarten and take both puppies, with one handler each (another family member).  Be certain the trainer is experienced in positive reinforcement and puppy development and do not participate if there are other puppies outside of the developmental age of your own.  DO YOUR WORK or you will wind up with two confused, unsocialized adult dogs that NO ONE WILL WANT, including YOU.