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Aggressive behavior- Can it be related to her Menstrual Cycle

18 16:51:06


Me and my Winnie
Dear Jill
You seem like someone who doesn't play around and take your job very seriously, which is very admirable! I have read about your "no quick fixes", and I agree with that and am definitely not looking for that. I have turned to my Vet, and have paid for a few different dog trainers to come in, and they did not offer any plan of solution. So please, if you do not have an answer, advise me on where I can go to get SERIOUS help for my serious problem.
I live in Staten Island, NY and I have a Chow Chow named Winnie the Pooh, which I have had since she was 4-5 months old. I knew what I was getting into with a Chow, and immediately took her to classes as soon as she was old enough. I take her to dog parks to socialize as well and she is great with ALL animals- even cats :). She doesn't like to exercise so I only walk her once a day, maybe three times a week, other wise she hangs out in my backyard all day- which is all hers. She used to play with toys, but about a year ago or so lost interest in them. (this might be related to a breakup with the guy i was with when i got her, and whom she considered as part of her pack). But also, she has become increasingly aggressive with me and my brother. We live at home with our mother- who kind of lets my dog do whatever she wants, so its hard to battle with that. But me and my brother have always done "dominance" training with her, where if she starts to growl we put her on her back until she calms down (one at a time not a gang-up, depending on who she growled at). At night she always comes upstairs and sleeps in the hallway between all the doors and the stairs- maybe on guard duty, I'm not sure. But recently, when we come out in the morning, or during the night to use the bathroom, she starts growling very seriously, we think to protect my mothers room??.. And once she even started walking towards me showing her teeth and I could not get past her to go to work for like 20 minutes. So we not don't let her sleep upstairs. She also now growls by her food, which she has never done before, and her aggression and random growling is becoming more severe. Recently, she is on her menstrual cycle, and one such confrontation occurred where she started going upstairs and i said "no" and made her come back down, but she kept trying to sneak up as if to prove a point. So i tried to put her on her back and dominate her. She got really aggressive and I was so scared that she was going to bite me that i had to use a wooden chair to put between us and she would not stop for 30 minutes- barking and growling and showing her teeth and sticking out her chest, when finally my brother arrived, who is MUCH bigger than me, and she was happy to see him and he put her on her back simply because she was confused of her own mixed feelings. But this last one was VERY serious. She was showing her teeth and biting the chair instinctually and abruptly. I don't know what to do. I feel like if I walk away when she does this that she will think she can do this always. I don't know if it was because she has her menstrual cycle, or if she needs more exercise, of if its because of my mother. I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A QUICK FIX OR AN ANSWER.. I'm pleading with you to just show me where to go, because I've already invited two people who have failed, and my vet has no answer. I want to move in with my boyfriend soon, and I want to feel safe that she will not do this to us. I want my old Winnie the Pooh back, and I just need someone to help me show me how to begin this long path back there- to normalcy and a happy balanced life with my baby! Thank you so much. I did read your warning, and please know I am not dismissing it- and just need advise since no one else can help. I saw your profile and you seem really dedicated to helping. I have no choices right now, please help!

The Chow Chow is a SERIOUS DOG with serious aggression problems.  Your bitch is demonstrating TRUE dominance aggression. DO NOT PUT HER ON HER BACK EVER AGAIN!  This is NOT how to establish dominance!  In a dog pack, dogs VOLUNTARILY roll over to show submisson; they are NOT forced (without an enormous physical struggle!)  This is artificial; it is aggravating her increasing dominance; you are PROVOKING aggression and YOU WILL BE BITTEN.

You need the immediate intervention of a certified applied animal behaviorist.  Your dog must be put on psychological behavior modification to STOP her escalating dominance aggression.  TEN WEEKS after her cycle is over, HAVE HER SPAYED.  This won't necessarily  affect her obtaining dominance, but it will certainly eliminate the estrogen related enhancement.  Call the Animal Medical Center in NYC and get a referral to a Ph.D. or DVM specialist in behavior who understands how to treat true dominance aggression.  In the meantime, do NOT allow this dog IN YOUR BEDROOMS or even upstairs.  At night, confine her to the kitchen.  Put a strong, short indoor leash on her when you are at home so you can control her movements by using the leash, NOT YOUR HANDS.  There is a complex, long term (many weeks) psychological approach to establishing psychological dominance in an actively aggressive, dominant dog or bitch.  You must USE THAT but you must do so under the supervision of a professional.  This dog needs to be evaluated in person and a full interview done with you and all others in the household.  The cooperation of your mother MUST BE obtained.  Never provoke, or confront, active aggression.  If the dog growls, stand your ground but do NOT go forward, to NOT make eye contact, do NOT use words to attempt to control her (such as "no" or commands of any sort.)  The Chow Chow can be a dangerous dog.  Breeding is EVERYTHING, and even with the best breeding, there are ALWAYS a few (among many litters over many years) who are dominant and aggressive.  Find that expert ASAP.