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Sudden Neediness

18 16:54:22

I adopted my girl when she was 9 months old.  We've been together about a year and a half.  She is a fixed mixed breed.  She is generally well behaved and very social, with both people and other dogs.  She has always been affectionate and we are close but lately she has been particularly needy.  When we are at home follows me around and has been unusually clingy for the past three weeks or so.  Sometimes she even ignores her regular playmates and instead will come over and put her head in my lap or whine for my attention or just lie at my feet.  We have not moved or had any sudden changes in lifestyle, although I started a new job, but my schedule has not changed much.  Her heath seems to be good.  Any thoughts?

Any sudden change in behavior needs to be first evaluated by a veterinarian.  Her health "seeming" to be good is not enough.  She needs an orthopedic evaluation and a neurological evaluation.  Orthopedic injury, which is very common and can be acquired in an instant (ask anyone with a lower back problem!) can cause pain; pain causes fear and insecurity in the dog.  It's worth a look!  Also, although this does not appear to be neurological, a simple check by the veterinarian (reflex response, eye tracking, etc.) can't hurt, either.  If the dog checks out well please think carefully about the exact time this behavior began.  What had occurred in your home (recent visitors) or outdoors (construction, storm, etc.) that you think might have created a fear response in your dog?  Have YOU suffered any sudden emotional upset (is your new job causing you stress?)  Think carefully and long about this and then repost with your thoughts.  If veterinary checkup is good and you have compiled your detective work, we can work together to address this.