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New Destructive Behavior

18 16:54:29

I have a four year old, female, spayed, siberian husky named Rose.  She has grown up spending an average of 6 hrs a day in her kennel while I am at work.  She usually has several bones or a kong in her kennel as well as one or two soft squeaky toys ("babies").  We go for daily walks in the evenings after dinner and she is never in her kennel when I am at home.  However, within the last 2 weeks she has destroyed 4 "babies" while she has been in her kennel as well as 2 different blankets.  Her behavior once she is let out of her cage is perfectly normal.  I have no idea why she is suddenly demonstrating such destructive behaviors while in her kennel and would appreciate any advice you can give us.  Thank you

It's hard to say why she has suddenly started this behavior. Is there any new construction or strange noises in your neighborhood? If you have any friends who are technically inclined, you could set up a video camera to record her when you are gone, so you can see when she is distressed and how distressed she might be. In the meantime, I'd remove the blankets and the soft stuffed toys, since if she injests them they could cause a blockage. Maybe leave her with a Kong. And any time I see a problem behavior that just started in an adult dog, without a change in circumstance, I also would be looking at possible medical causes. I'd get a six panel thyroid test, and a tick borne disease panel at the least. If it turns out that she's developing separation anxiety, you can practice leaving and coming back (here's a great article)

and if the problem turns out to be severe, your vet may be able to help with an anti-anxiety med like Clonicalm, Zanex or Prozac.
Sandy Case MEd CPDT