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My 10 month old lab is urinating sporadically, among other things.

18 17:04:23

Hi, I'm going to make this kinda easy, and list the couple of problems that we are having with our 10 month old neutered 95 lb. lab/retriever mix Zeus.

1.  Usually when he has to go out, he will come in front of me, sit down, whine shrilly, and then bark.  When I ask him if he has to go outside, he will run to the door.  He does this for him, and for his littermate sister Athena.  Recently, he has stopped notifying me, and instead of barking, or any kind of warning, he will just squat and pee.  While this is rather direct, it is also kinda gross....  can't figure out how to stop him (he goes outside often, and doesn't pee each time..... we're just confused)

2.  Sometimes, he will be walking by, and the pee will seem to just fall out of him.  He does not pause, stop, look, tense, nothing, he will be running from one room to another, and you will hear the drops, and there will be a zagged puddle on the floor.  He is eating, drinking, and acting normal (in all other regards), but this does not seem usual.  I don't want to relegate him to an outside dog (question #3), but I have to find a way to stop this, he is ruining my wood floors!  and we can't have him out with company!!

3.  When he is feeling any emotion, he barks.  Loudly, shrilly, and annoyingly.  If we pet him and we stop, he barks, if he wants out of his 'bed' (cage), he barks, if he wants attention, he barks.  If the sun is in the sky, he barks, if there is food on the table, he barks.  Previously, we have been 'tapping' his snout to make him stop, this has only made him duck, move, and bark again.  I want him to notify me of strangers-- to which he also barks, and of when to go out, but want to stop the rest.  Is it possible?  HELP!!!  My head is splitting!!

4.  What, if you know, is the actual age of puppy?  I have heard that it is up to 2 years, but my husband doesn't believe me!

Thank you!


P.S.  If we give them a large basket of their own toys, will they probably stop going after my daughters????

Dear Brittnie,
Thanks for the question. As for the urination problems - have your dog checked by your vet. It is likely to be a medical issue, i.e. bladder infection.

Barking is his way of communicating to you what he wants. Apparently it works to get your attention or else he wouldn't do it. The tapping is a form of attention and makes him think that barking is the correct path to get what he wants.

For now, stop giving him attention when he barks. That will teach him that barking doesn't work. Take it a step farther by doing this. When he barks at you, say nothing, just walk away.

ON the flip side, you can teach him polite ways to get your attention. Sit or down work nicely for this. After you walk away, return and ask him to sit or down. Then give him attention as a reward for being quiet. Before you sit at the table to eat, get him to go-to-place. This is another polite way he can earn attention and maybe a treat or two!

Teach and practice basic obedience behaviors plus Speak and Quiet. Teach in low traffic areas at first then practice in more distracting environments. Thanks for writing. Good luck!

Alan J Turner