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dog aggression with other dogs

18 17:05:23

QUESTION: Hello Charlotte,
I recently adopted a 9 year old female spayed Dutch Shepherd. She is sweet, if
not a bit aloof, but I have only had her for 3 1/2 months.

The issue Im facing is that Chloe is very dominant and often starts fights with
other dogs, almost always with females. She will meet a dog and almost
immediately put her head on the dog's shoulders and if the dog does not
submit, there is a fight.

What makes me curious is that she was described by her foster mother (she
was in a temporary home for 5 months) as not aggressive. She was described
as alpha, but got along well with most dogs. She did not NEED to prove

With me, however, she seems to have increased her aggression, so I have
some hope that I can work with her to decrease it.

I do become somewhat afraid when other dogs approach, which most likely
makes Chloe more aggressive. Lately, though, I am more confident that we
can walk past other dogs under control (I always keep her on a leash).
Nonehteless, she seems to be still very wound up and aggressive.

The last fight was with a much older lab that had wandered on our property
from the neighbor's. Chloe did her thing, and they fought a bit, and I was
VERY stern and grabbed her neck and pulled her down and forced her to stay.
I am trying to be more alpha, and this time it seemed to make an impression.

The real question I am asking is -- can a dog's aggression change? Can she
get more aggressive, and less, depending on circumstances? If so, do you
have any advice? How can I help her?

She shows NO aggression to people and is generally so good and sweet. She
has a watchfull intensity, and a strong prey drive.

Should I just get tougher with her? Can my strenght and insistence on her
NOT fighting help her to not fight? Or will it just make her afraid of me and
more insecure?

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated. I want to help her have a happy
home and at some point play with other dogs. (Foster mom said Chloe LOVED
her husky friend). And of course, I want to feel less tense when dogs


ANSWER: Is she spayed? Very first thing before any training, as this usually solves it by its self.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes, as I say in the first sentence...

Also, in case it effects your advice - she gets a good amt. of exercise... and is
very loved!
ANSWER: Oh dear, sorry, didn't notice that.

Ok,  you will want to increase her exposure safely, and slowly. First I would get a muzzle, because you are going to be around other dogs, just as a in case.

Do you have friends or family with dogs?

Again, sorry for the mis reading. Long day I'm afraid.  :-)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No worries...

I do have a friend with two Bouvier mixes, with whom she is just fine! Not
sure why. The male has made it clear he is dominant (with a growl) and Chloe
respects it. And its his house, so she leaves the female alone. She has stayed
there for a week while I have travelled.

Otherwise, there are just neighbor dogs which would be way too stressful as
they have fought before (pitbull mix, and spaniel mix, both females.)

there is a dog park she has gone to... been fine with smaller dogs and a
couple of labs, but fought with a female rotty mix.

Is there is general theme or pattern with the dogs she will fight with?

The reason I asked about friends and familys dogs is to gradually expose her, get her used to other dogs being around, but if she is fine with them anyway that wont work.

Maybe though, it would be better to use the dogs she had fought with, under very controlled circumstances of course. Are the neighbours OK, and responsible with they're dogs?