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Siberian Husky Cross Aggression

18 16:18:14

I have an 18 month old Siberian Husky Alaskan Malamute cross. We have had him since he was eight weeks old and he has been socialized regularly (couple days a week) at a couple of local parks since he was about 12 weeks old. In the last few months he has been showing some aggression towards other dogs at random and seemingly without cause, the last time he was virtually uncontrollable and I had to take him home. Now the important factor here is that my dog has not been fixed, so my question is, we are getting him fixed in a couple of weeks, will this tame ot stop the aggressive behaviour he has been exhibiting? Or am I too late? Is he stuck this way now?

Hi Dani

Thank you for your message. It is likely he would rather just play with you in the park as oppose to other people which often happens. I can definitely recommend fixing him as this will definitely not be helping him. The main thing would be to get hold of a dog expert in your location so you can get help as heaps of time to work with the dog and he is still young at 18 months so should get success. Make sure you use someone that uses positive training and ideally experience with the breed.

Good luck!