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Car Sickness

18 16:33:46

60 lb Golden Retriever 4 years old. Well behaved, well adjusted. Dog does not travel well. We take vacation trips of 4 to 6 hours in the truck with frequent stops. The dog stands the whole time, and pants, with nervous attitude. It is to be noted that she burps frequently (5-6 times/Day)every since she was a puppy.
We have tried Zantac, tranqulizers, dramamine, benadryl, with little success. We have tried Rescue Remedy spray with moderate success. Does this product (Rescue Remedy) come in a tablet form and if so what would be the dose for this dog. Can you suggest any other products that might allow the dog to travel without being stressed out.

This is a question for your veterinarian.  Although poor travel ability is behavioral, it also has physical causes (middle ear problems, neurological, nausea, etc.)  Her burping may be a sign of internal problems (congenital) and should be investigated.  Rescue Remedy does not come in pill form and you should not be administering drugs of any sort in pill form without veterinary consultation.  Crating a dog when in a vehicle can help the dog to be calmer, especially if the crate is covered with a light sheet to block the view of motion.  Go to the veterinarian.