Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > 1yr old altered male yorkie spraying??

1yr old altered male yorkie spraying??

18 17:10:26

Can altered males spray? My yorkie has been altered since 6 mos and all of a sudden I am noticing an awful scent in his crate of all places. Is he spraying?? And yes, he isn't completely potty trained and still goes in his crate occasionally.  

Dear Kristy,
Thanks for the question. When male dogs (usually unneutered)marks their territory, they tend to urinate on vertical surfaces.

I suggest that you rule out any medical issues that could contribute to the behavior.

If there are no medical issues, the problem is incomplete house training. Visit my web site and sign up for the mailing list to get immediate access to a complete House Training Guide. Web addy is

Happy Training!