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brain damage and behavior issues

18 16:58:33

We at rescue have taken in a Young male mastiff who was mauled as a pup and has residual brain damage. His equilibrium/balance is off, he lists to one side, and seems to have auditory processing issues. He is sweet and well mannered in the house, but once outside he obsesses over objects, such as; water hose, a brick, a stone, leash etc. He will go crazy, barking and snapping at the object. If you try to take it away he can become aggressive.

It is almost like he zones out during these episodes and things such as clapping hands or other distractions do not seem to break through to him.

My question is, does this sound as though this is connected to his brain injury?  If so, can he be retrained to stop this behavior?

At this point he is in a temporary foster, and his status as adoptable is not favorable. Do you have any suggestions???

At our wits end.

Much thanks!

It appears this dog will need some medication as well as serious, intensive and educated behavior modification.  I suggest you find a veterinary neurologist and a certified applied animal behaviorist.  Contact the veterinary school closest to you (even a state or two away) and ask for a referral to a veterinary neurological specialist and a Ph.D. or DVM behavior expert who can assess the veterinary report and suggest behavior modification protocols to go along with medication.  Hands on evaluation is absolutely essential.