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My Whippet

18 16:58:50

We have recently had to have one of our dogs put to sleep, (a 14 yr old lurcher) and our 10 yr old whippet has started to behave strangely, we've been taking her for walks and playing with her trying to keep her occupied but now she has started scratching at the carpet (under chairs, behind tables etc) and we're not sure how to make her stop or what we should do about it. She has always been an anxious whippet (female) and we are really worried that she's not happy. Is there anything we can do to ease her stress?

Try some Bach Rescue Remedy (it's a flower extract available in health food stores.)  Also, when your dog begins scratching/digging (which is a strange demonstration of either nesting or barrier frustration and no doubt driven by her enormous anxiety), put a lightweight leash on her and keep her nearby.  The leash is more than a physical restraint, it is also a psychological and emotional restraint.  Many dogs demonstrating cognitive dysfunction calm considerably when on leash.  She is no doubt suffering enormously at the loss of her companion and is confused and frightened.  Spending time with her, taking her for walks, everything you've been doing are wonderful.  Give this time; use the indoor leash; investigate the flower extract and, if you don't see improvement in a few weeks, take this problem to your veterinarian for further pharmacological help.