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Pom and blanket

18 16:57:27

Hi, my 7 month Pom Coco has sucked on his blanket since I brought him home.  He goes and gets his "blankey" and carries is everywhere.  Does he have a teething problem, is is because he wasn't weaned properly from breeder, or is he just a "baby"?  sometimes he cries while is is sucking, but I checked his teeth, he does have a small hard bump behind his front teeth....I just don't want him in pain, but if he is just weaning the blanket that's ok. He doesn't like his hard kibble, so we have him on soft/beef cheese hamburgery stuff he does eat.  Thanks

Sort of an odd habit, and it could come from being taken from his mom young (I had a handraised kitten who sucked earlobes, given half a chance) It's probably not harmful, but I'd ask the vet if it's likely to cause alignment problems with his teeth (at seven months he's probably past teething). I'd also keep a close eye on the blanket to make sure he's not chewing off any pieces which he could swallow and cause a blockage. If you aren't going to feed him kibble, please find a high quality soft food to feed him (though you may have to have his teeth cleaned more often than with dry). That cheeseburger stuff is all sugar and filler, and not a healthy diet. Sandy Case MEd CPDT