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Dog Aggression while in car

18 16:58:28

I have a 2 year old Lab Mix neutered male dog who is extremely loving and gentle under all circumstances except when he is in the car.  He is extremely dog aggressive when he is in the car..any dog..walking or in another car...any dog he sees will turn him into a snarling, growling, fangs bared, lunging at the window, scary dog!  What can I do? Why would he do this?  If he were outside the car this would not happen...he would want to play. It makes no sense to me.  Help

Hi Joelle,

It's a barrier frustration. If he OK on a leash? Or behind a gate? If it's solely the car then I strongly suggest that you acclimate him to a crate and have him travel in that. If you have a small car, you can get one of those cloth crates.

The bigger issue than him being "aggressive" (really more reactive than aggressive)is the safety of traveling with a dog and that taking away from the focus on driving!

If it's more than just the car than I suggest you read Feisty Fido. It's an entire book devoted to leash/barrier problems.