Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > 5 month old Male Beagle Litermates fight every day

5 month old Male Beagle Litermates fight every day

18 16:45:35

My 5 month old Beagles fight every day to the extend of one time they would not release from each other and there were traces of blood on both of them. There is only one that starts the fights will call him #2. If we pick up or show any attention to #1 number 2 will immediately go over to him growl and start a fight. If there playing with a toy #2 will want to fight him and #1 will not give in so the fight begins. We bang the pans and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. They love to sleep together and they do play like normal puppies would running around and just barking. They have been neutered two weeks ago. What I need to know is will they eventually grow out of this or will the situtation worsen and we should think about finding a home for one of the puppies before they really hurt themselves. Thank you.

These puppies appear to be quite close in temperament.  Keeping them both will most likely produce a more serious problem in the future without the intervention of a certified applied animal behaviorist, who can teach you how to determine which one is the more dominant.  However, two puppies (especially of the same sex) from the same litter who demonstrate this behavior may not be able to be rehabilitated.  If you intend to rehome one, be absolutely certain you do it the right way.  Don't just advertise somewhere and hand the puppy over; that is not responsible behavior.  Ask for a veterinary reference (and CALL the veterinarian), do a house check (go to see the living arrangements), be sure there are no dominant dogs in the household (as the puppy may not be temperamentally suited for that situation), no very young children; if you don't like what you see or hear, DO NOT give them the puppy.  Beware of people who lie in order to obtain dogs for nefarious reasons; they are legion.