Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > adult male golden urinating in new house

adult male golden urinating in new house

18 16:53:23

Our male golden retriever is urinating indoors, sometimes 2-x day. He has always gone outside, but we have recently moved to a new home. He goes in the same place every time and lets out a lot of urine even though we let him outside 9-10x day. He is drinking a lot of water, which we've tried limiting but doesn't help. Is this a new home issue or could it be medical? Thanks

Hi Karen,   Lots of dogs have problems in moving to a new environment, so take heart!  The fact that this dog is slacking in his housetraining is not near as worrisome as his drinking alot of water.  This could be a symptom of illness, so first get that checked out.  If all is well with his health, it's probably time to go back to basics with his housetraining.  
    Crate training is an absolute must.  Don't let him run the house unsupervised at all.  If he's not outside or in his crate, someone needs to be there to correct him.  Clean up all of his urinations with an enzyme neutralizing type cleaner.  If he's not been neutered, don't get him neutered.  This "boot camp" type training should begin with the dog being crated or outside on a very strict schedule.  Don't change the scheduling for at least a month.  Then let him "earn" some time  out with the family on a limited basis, slowly increasing the time until he's finished.  Cut back on his food & water a little, especially if he's the least bit overweight.  Pick some other tasks & commands to teach him while he's in boot camp, (fetch, heel, hunting, weight pulling etc.)  This gives him more lessons to think about while he's practicing his crate & house training.
     Like I try to tell everyone, these things take time & patience.  Sometimes an older dog that falls off the wagon like this will require twice as much time to re-learn his lesson than it did for him to learn it the first time.  But, not only will he have his problem corrected, he will have a few other lessons under his belt as well.  Dogs usually like this kind of treatment - it makes them feel good about themselves.

Good Luck Karen,  Thanks for asking,  Rob