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need advice

18 16:21:06

Good day,
I have a pack of 6 dogs.I've heard that dogs should be fed apart and then others say they have to be fed together as a pack. Same goes with sleeping arrangements.

I'm confused and just need advice as to what do you think would be best.I have 2 large dogs, rot/lab mix and a german shepherd (still a puppy though) my one jack russel male is 'attached' to the large female as she's the only female not fixed.I'm worried that if I keep them separated from the others they'll grow a closer bond and bite the other ones when I'm not around? (Hope this makes sense?)
The large female is quite dominant towards the other dogs,but obeys me without a doubt so I'm not worried that she's the leader.
I just want everyone to live a happy, peaceful live.the large female actually bit the other male dog a month ago and he had to go to the vet - got him back yesterday!!she didn't try to kill him..she and the other male (that's soo attached to her) was kept apart coz he and this one tried killing each other.not sure if she nipped him because of food as I gave them bones or if she just doesn't want him around?please if you have any advice I would appreciate it soo much!

Have a great day!

You have a lot of dogs, and without meeting them, I can't be exactly sure what's going on between them, but if this were my house I would certainly NOT feed them together or give them bones in the same area.  That's just a prescription for disaster.  My own dogs each eat in their crates or in separate rooms separated by a door.  That way, no dog has to feel threatened by another one with regard to food.  The only food they get in each other's presence is a tiny tidbit from me for doing a nice sit, or a down, for example. And, I make sure NOT to let anything drop to the floor for them to fight over.  I think you should consider having an experienced positive trainer or behaviorist assess your situation.  I think it's cheaper than another vet bill!  Good luck.