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being left alone

18 16:56:12

My dog Midnight, I already know has a problem during storms.  If alone she becomes destructive.  However, living with my sister has become a problem.  Now it seems that whenever she is left alone she will chew off molding around the door, urinate on the floor, chew or jump (whatever she needs to do) to get to the rug to urinate.  I scold her and give her a time out and my sister comes home and comes to the dog's defense.  I cannot take her with me every where I go.  My sister thinks that's the solution.  She scratches and chews the door to the bedroom, where she's never been allowed and now feels entitled.  If I leave the door open and block off the entrance.  Again, whatever she needs to do to get passed the things blocking her path.  My dog has turned into a spoiled brat and I don't know what to do.

Hi Jackie

You need to understand things from your dog's point of view for a start.  calling her a spoilt brat is really unfair - she is clearly finding life very hard to cope with and needs help to adjust to her new surroundings. It is not unusual behavior and one solution would be to take her with you when you go out.  However, I appreciate this isn't always practical so you must enlist the help of a behaviorist near you who can come and assess fully what she is doing and show you how to help her cope with being alone.  She is trying to get to you or things that smell of you or your sister.  She toilets because she is so distressed - think how you feel when you are really nervous about something - you need the toilet!

Best regards,
