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Dog suddenly peeing in house

18 16:57:08

Just recently, my dog has started peeing in the house when I leave her alone.  She an almost 2 year old Vizsla and has never had a problem with this before.  I used to have a roomate, so she wasn't alone a lot in the past. The first time this happened, she did it on the couch and the second time it was on my good area rug, in two different places.  I know she doesn't like to be alone because she cries and howls when I leave her.  But she just started peeing.  I suspect she's pissed off that I leave her and this is her way of "showing me."  Is she trying to show me who's boss?  I hate to crate her, but she will leave me no choice if this continues.

I would crate her, if she's okay in a crate. There's no way to stop the behavior if you aren't present. I don't think she is pissed off at you. She may be anxious about being left home alone, and you might want to look into some of the things that work for separation anxiety - rehearsing leaving, no emotional greetings or goodbyes (and if you come home and are irritated by finding puddles, that's emotional, and will only make the problem worse.) Leave the radio playing - maybe a nice classical station or the TV on. Give her something to do in her crate - like a stuffed Kong. BUT before you do any of this, go to your vet and get a urinalysis. Frequently when dogs start urinating inappropriately, there is a urinary tract infection. Has she been spayed? Some dogs develop incontenence due to the change in hormone levels. If she is leaky, the vet can also help with that. Sandy Case MEd CPDT